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Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Durham is a home for Indonesian diaspora living in Durham, a small and beautiful county in the Northeast of England. We are a student organisation with kinship value at the heart of our activities.

PPI Durham conducts regular activities to foster relationship and harmony within our Indonesian society as well as actively promotes Indonesian culture to the neighbourhood. Our events ranging from Monthly Family Gathering, Sport Days, Monthly Islamic Sharing Session, Scientific Discussion, and many more. We also, occasionally, invite people from different nationalities to join our events and community activities.
Should you are in Durham and wish to step in, please do contact us. We will be more than happy to welcome you aboard.

At last, PPI Durham is now registered under Durham Student Union (DSU) and PPI UK. We are indeed relatively a young organisation which hope to continue growing and benefiting not only Indonesian students, but also society at large.


Durham, March 15th, 2016

PPI Durham UK
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Celebrate Indonesian Independence Day in Durham with us!!



To book click: https://goo.gl/forms/tUUS35lRFpA4GZhF3

Durham Indonesian Student Community (DISC) will be hosting a fantastic event called Indonesian Food and Cultural Festival at Fonteyn Ballroom, Durham Student Union (DSU).

There will be food festival in which visitors can experience and taste a wide variety of traditional cuisines from different regions across Indonesia. Visitors may also enjoy some activities such as playing traditional games, making handcraft, taking a selfie with Indonesian traditional costumes, and much more. Furthermore, we will provide tourism information for those who are interested in enjoying an all-year-long summer vacation. We will also set up a booth for those who loves to learn a new language: be ready to add the Indonesian language on your list. Lastly, there will be the most-awaited performance by our traditional dancers and singers.

The event is suitable for everyone. We look forward to welcoming visitors to this event on 13th August and experiencing the very best of Indonesian culture including some delicious foods and dance performances. There will be activities for children and adults such as playing traditional games, trying on traditional clothes and learning the Indonesian language. Be sure to get involve in this exciting experience”.

Ticket: £2 including food
Further Information, contact us: [email protected]

*We welcome any kind of sponsorship and partnership



Durham, 7 Agustus 2016
PPI Durham
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Presentation on Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics & Finance

Kak Nur Dhani Hendranastiti is presenting her extended dissertation on “Exploring the Effect of Oil Price Decline on Shari’ah and SRI Portfolio Performance in the UK” at the 10th Kyoto-Durham International Workshop in Islamic Economics and Finance. Well done kak!

‪#‎Durham‬ ‪#‎durhamuniversity‬ ‪#‎dubs‬ ‪#‎durhambusinessschool‬‪#‎islamicfinance‬ ‪#‎conference‬ ‪#‎ppiuk‬ ‪#‎ppidurham‬

Achievement from our brothers

Selamat kepada saudara kami Emil Arya dan Wahyu Jatmiko atas kesempatan yang diperoleh untuk mempresentasikan risetnya di ‘International Conference on Governance and Accountability’ tanggal 25-27 September 2016 di Malaysia. Semoga lancar segala persiapannya!

Info mengenai konferensi tersebut: