Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Durham is a home for Indonesian diaspora living in Durham, a small and beautiful county in the Northeast of England. We are a student organisation with kinship value at the heart of our activities.
PPI Durham conducts regular activities to foster relationship and harmony within our Indonesian society as well as actively promotes Indonesian culture to the neighbourhood. Our events ranging from Monthly Family Gathering, Sport Days, Monthly Islamic Sharing Session, Scientific Discussion, and many more. We also, occasionally, invite people from different nationalities to join our events and community activities.
Should you are in Durham and wish to step in, please do contact us. We will be more than happy to welcome you aboard.
At last, PPI Durham is now registered under Durham Student Union (DSU) and PPI UK. We are indeed relatively a young organisation which hope to continue growing and benefiting not only Indonesian students, but also society at large.
Durham, March 15th, 2016
PPI Durham UK
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